Sustainable Business Practices


for profitable business success with minimal negative impacts on the environment and society

Sustainable Business Practices create profits and business opportunities. It attracts business and profits while taking care of the environment and society that your business operates in. It optimises your business’ operations and resources, creating efficient processes, reduces cost and strengthens brand image.

Our Services


with Lloyd McGill, Less is More.

We can help with your efforts in making your business practices sustainable We work with you to:

  • Empower and enable you to meet your customers’ requirements for environmental, social and governance assurance.
  • Gives you confidence to access new markets, creates new businesses.

We can help you in:

Sustainable Environmental Management-

  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Carbon Footprint Management
  • Environmental Management

Sustainable Supply Chain Management-

  • Environmental and Social Impact Analysis
  • Suppliers Risk Management

Organizational Resilience and Risk Management-

  • Corporate governance, social and ethical practices
  • Risk Gap Analysis
  • Business Continuity Management
  • Data Privacy and Protection
  • Occupational Health and Safety

Our Training


with Lloyd McGill, Lead and Make a difference.

Develop your team as champions in sustainable practices with insights, know-how, tools and inspiration to make sustainable business practices a habit. Inspire trust and confidence within your organization and with your customers in making their business profitable and sustainable.

We can help you with our training services in:

  • Sustainable Environmental Management
  • Sustainable Supply Chain Management
  • Organisational Resilience and Risk Management

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